About US

The vision of DeRin Education is to create an enrichment learning environment in which students of all ages can develop to their fullest potential. Our mission is to provide enriched and rigorous curricula, such as debate, public speaking, book talk, storytelling, writing and Model UN  to high achievers. These programs all exceed current educational standards and will challenge young minds and build confidence by opening up new ways of thinking, learning, analyzing and perceiving. In order to provide better education service, DeRin Education will continuously refine and remodel our programs based on feedback from students, parents and teachers. DeRin will consistently:

  • Cultivate, lead, and inspire critical thinkers and expert communicators
  • Deliver challenging and exciting enrichment curriculum
  • Foster a love of learning and fuel students’ curiosity and quest for knowledge
  • Help students realize and maximize their potential

We believe our students will become more confident at school and well-prepared for the future challenges in colleges, daily life and work places. The ultimate goal of DeRin education is to help children to realize their ambitious aspirations and fulfill their dreams. Eventually they will learn how to think for themselves and use their voices.

Director of DeRin Education: Heidi Z. Yao (Ph.D.)

Dr. Yao is a passionate educator and the holder of the prestigious NSERC scholarship (CGSD) during her Ph.D. program at University Waterloo. She is a strong believer that every kid has a dream to pursue. The job of parents and/or educators is to provide them the most suitable platform and watch them fulfill their dreams and reach their goals with a hardworking and joyful attitude.

As the co-founder of AboutRead.com, she believes that reading plays a critical role in a child's life. Once children are truly engaged in reading, they start to experience many developments in different traits of their personality. Academic excellence, concentration, enhanced vocabulary and empathy are just some of the numerous benefits of reading. 

As a half Marathon runner, she also believes that kids need spending enough time playing sports, which is a great way for them to take a break from academics. It also helps them lead to fuller and happier lives as regular sports activities provide not only physical benefits but also social and psychological benefits to children, such as discipline, social skills, patience, perseverance, accept defeat, teamwork, lifelong habits, etc.

Policy of DeRin Education 

Requirements for the students:
  • Must be an active learner and love challenges
  • No N in the report card (Learning Skills and Work Habits) (Please provide a photocopy of the  the behavior section in the recent report card when registration)
  • Show respect for coaches, teachers, self and others
  • Come to class on time and prepared to learn and complete assignments as required
  • Put mobile electronic devices to the bin provided in the classroom unless otherwise permitted by the teacher
Parents' responsibilities:
  • Ensure to drop off and pick up your kid on time
  • Monitor your child's class work and progress
  • Assist class staff to deal with disciplinary issues when necessary
 Multi-courses and Sibling Discount Policy
  • For student who registers two or more courses within the same term, there will be a 5% discount applying to the lower-cost courses.
  • For families who have two or more children enrolled at DeRin in the same term, the lower-cost course will receive a 5% discount.
Note: Sibling Discount and Multi-courses Discount can NOT be used together.

Class Absence 
Missed lessons due to sickness, vacations or other reasons are not reimbursed or as tuition credit. However,  all efforts are made to provide an opportunity for making up classes within the program, if there is one available. Also, DeRin will try its best to provide reading or writing materials for the missed lessons whenever it is possible.

Semesters and Tuition
There are 4 semesters in each calendar year at DeRin: Winter (January to April), Spring  (May to June) ,  Summer (July to August), and Fall (September to December). The tuition can be paid by email transfer or cheque.

Contact US

Phone: (519) 781-6498

Email: heidiyao@derinedu.com

Address: 435 King Street North, Waterloo

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